cmlyneis1: IMG_3809
cmlyneis1: IMG_3810
cmlyneis1: Common Murre-
cmlyneis1: Orca Fins-4373
cmlyneis1: Orca Pelagic Trip Beyond the Farallons-
cmlyneis1: Tufted Puffin Trip Beyond the Farallons-
cmlyneis1: Rhinoceros Auklet-
cmlyneis1: Sooty Shearwaters-
cmlyneis1: Ashy Storm-Petral-2
cmlyneis1: Forked-tailed Storm-Petrel 2Trip Beyond the Farallons-
cmlyneis1: Wilson's Storm Petrel-
cmlyneis1: Black-footed Albatross-
cmlyneis1: Pink-footed Shearwater-
cmlyneis1: IMG_3817
cmlyneis1: IMG_3824
cmlyneis1: Pelagic Farallon Birding Map