dc.gypsy: Rotunda (HDR)
dc.gypsy: Rotunda Window (HDR)
dc.gypsy: Rotunda Column Detail (HDR)
dc.gypsy: Rotunda
dc.gypsy: Great Hall 2
dc.gypsy: Great Hall Statue
dc.gypsy: Skylight, Great Hall
dc.gypsy: International Progreso Market
dc.gypsy: Detail, United House of Prayer for All People
dc.gypsy: Make Way for the New
dc.gypsy: God Save the District
dc.gypsy: Sunday Paper, Carnegie Library
dc.gypsy: Entrance, Carnegie Library
dc.gypsy: Carnegie Library, Mt. Vernon Square
dc.gypsy: Chinatown Arch with Crane
dc.gypsy: Arcs, Chinatown Window
dc.gypsy: Convention Center
dc.gypsy: Line of Visitors Waiting to Pay Homage to Barack Obama