Claudio e Lucia Images around the world: IMGP9505 I'm watching you
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world: IMGP3332 Climbing with support
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world: IMGP3341 Relax on the tree
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world: IMGP9555 Mother and young chimp
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world: IMGP9760 Comfortable place
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world: IMGP9790 Chimpanzé, The Alpha
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world: IMGP3403 Searching for ticks
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world: IMGP3404 Searching for ticks
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world: IMGP9972 Grooming the Alpha male
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world: IMGP9976 Grooming the Alpha male