Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP3744 Football match
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP3788 Football match
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0347 Old wood
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP3825 Sunrise in Zanzibar
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0373 Walking in the sea
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0380 Fishing with assegai
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0406 Early morning
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0414 Going fishing
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0426 Ladies in the water
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0432 Woman in the water collecting shells
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0441 Silhouette in the water
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0456 Fishermen on the move
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0477 Clam's collectors
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0484 Going fishing
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0489 Reflections
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0493 Nets
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0516 Walking in the water
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0535 Young clams collectors
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0567 Looking for clams
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0576 Early morning
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0601 Returning from the sea
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP0625 Clam's collector
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP3877 Washing cloths
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP3901 Riding bike on the beach
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP3906 Riding bike on the beach
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP3919 Chatting on the beach
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP3952 Family walk
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP4031 Collecting clams at low tide
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world: