Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP5661 Apple Store Fountain
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP5666 Apple Store
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP5668 Apple
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP5669 Waiting and walking
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP5670 Waiting and walking
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP5671 Waiting and walking
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP5676 Fountain
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP5678 Apple Store Fountain
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP5691 Fountain
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMG_6239 Empty theater Apple Store Milano
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP3959 George
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP3959 1 George
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP3961 Apple and George
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP3961 Apple and George
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP3968 Smile !
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP5912 Men and cars
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMGP5915 Underwater
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
Apple store
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMG_9490 Apple store deserted
Claudio e Lucia Images around the world:
IMG_9494 Apple Store