Stefan Zwi.: Holiday acquaintance :-)
Stefan Zwi.: One last doppio espresso...
Stefan Zwi.: Cork oak window overlooking Sardinia
Stefan Zwi.: Small Red Damselfly (Ceriagrion tenellum) ...please press l and F11 to see it large!
Stefan Zwi.: Granite rocks on the beach
Stefan Zwi.: Old Salinas
Stefan Zwi.: Fence on the Beach - HFF!
Stefan Zwi.: Good Camouflage
Stefan Zwi.: Dragonfly (Orthetrum coerulescens) on a granite rock
Stefan Zwi.: Last Summer
Stefan Zwi.: Soft and Sunny 1
Stefan Zwi.: Italian Wall Lizard on a Granite Rock (Podarcis siculus?)
Stefan Zwi.: Keeled skimmer (Orthetrum coerulescens anceps?)
Stefan Zwi.: Bush Cricket (Ephippiger ephippiger fem.)
Stefan Zwi.: Soft and Sunny 2
Stefan Zwi.: Small Red Damselfly (Ceriagrion tenellum)
Stefan Zwi.: Made of metal - HMM!
Stefan Zwi.: Small Red Damselfly, male (Ceriagrion tenellum)
Stefan Zwi.: Found what he was looking for