Stefan Zwi.: Evening at the flooding area of the river Oker
Stefan Zwi.: Keeled skimmer, mail (Orthetrum coerulescens anceps) with back wind
Stefan Zwi.: Blue Damselfly, male (Enallagma cyathigerum) backlit
Stefan Zwi.: Reflections
Stefan Zwi.: Silhouette in the Last Light
Stefan Zwi.: Resting
Stefan Zwi.: Blue Damselfly, male (Enallagma cyathigerum)
Stefan Zwi.: Willow Emerald Damselfly or Western Willow Spreadwing, fem. (Chalcolestes viridis)
Stefan Zwi.: Pole Dancer ...HBW ;-) !
Stefan Zwi.: Warming up in the Sunset
Stefan Zwi.: Remembering Summer
Stefan Zwi.: Backlit
Stefan Zwi.: In the Summer Light
Stefan Zwi.: Just Love
Stefan Zwi.: Damselfly in the Warm Evening Light
Stefan Zwi.: Blue-tailed damselfly, fem. (Ischnura elegans)
Stefan Zwi.: Dinner in the Sun
Stefan Zwi.: White-Legged Damselfly or Blue Featherleg, male (Platycnemis pennipes)
Stefan Zwi.: Damselfly fem., oviposition (egg laying)
Stefan Zwi.: Acrobatic Gymnastics
Stefan Zwi.: Hanging around