veephilion: Bald Eagle taking my measure...
veephilion: Looking straight at me..
veephilion: I got a Bald Eagle!
veephilion: I got a Bald Eagle !!!
veephilion: I got a Bald Eagle!!
veephilion: An eagle's nest..
veephilion: ahhhh... that sun feels good on my feathers.....
veephilion: Different day...same tree....
veephilion: The Bald Eagle and the branch..
veephilion: How an eagle does it..
veephilion: Pleased with his efforts....
veephilion: They're still building...
veephilion: Taking a rest between sticks and twigs...
veephilion: The Bald Eagle called to her mate...
veephilion: Eagle couple mating ...
veephilion: Eagle couple mating...
veephilion: Then, they went to their separate corners
veephilion: And, then....he flew away..
veephilion: The Bald Eagle couple...
veephilion: "Hey, watch it buddy !!"
veephilion: Look, it's an eagle !!
veephilion: I can't help it....I love an eagle...
veephilion: Tap dancing to his own music....
veephilion: My beautiful eagles.. gone away.
veephilion: Is he glaring at me??
veephilion: Where is she this year?