kaz under the sky: Tokachidake Sunset - repost
kaz under the sky: Comet Jacques C2014 E2 seen in Aug 26, 2014
kaz under the sky: Around Alnitak, Orion
kaz under the sky: Milky way in late summer
kaz under the sky: Big Dipper trail on the shore
kaz under the sky: The Sun just before touchdown
kaz under the sky: Comet Jacques C/2014 E2
kaz under the sky: Milky Way at Zenith
kaz under the sky: Comet C/2012 K1 - Panstarrs
kaz under the sky: Comet C/2014 E2 Jacques's tail
kaz under the sky: Blood Moon - Total Lunar eclipse in October 8, 2014 19:57 JST
kaz under the sky: Milky Way wide field - repost
kaz under the sky: Rising Milky Way over Tokachidake Mountain Range
kaz under the sky: Stone piles - close
kaz under the sky: Stone piles - mid
kaz under the sky: Stone piles - wide
kaz under the sky: Double Cluster
kaz under the sky: Horsehead nebula with broad-band filter
kaz under the sky: Horsehead nebula with additional subs
kaz under the sky: Horsehead nebula with narrow-band filter
kaz under the sky: Lagoon and Trifid nebula
kaz under the sky: Star trail under the Moon light
kaz under the sky: Andromeda Galaxy
kaz under the sky: The Orion Nebula - M42, M43, NGC1977
kaz under the sky: Globular Cluster in Hercules (M13)
kaz under the sky: The Orion in The Zenith
kaz under the sky: ISS trail across the Milky Way at Tokachidake
kaz under the sky: Lovejoy traveling by Andromeda, Almach - Feb.6