TheJourneyFan: Dani Ohlsson (WU)
TheJourneyFan: IMG_0028
TheJourneyFan: Asha Strom (WU)
TheJourneyFan: IMG_0067
TheJourneyFan: Charlotte Wilford Carroll (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Jemma Catherwood (WU)
TheJourneyFan: IMG_0114
TheJourneyFan: IMG_0121
TheJourneyFan: Rosie Wild (WU) tackles Grace Smith (PNM)
TheJourneyFan: Rosie Wild (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Nea Blackham (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Jemma Catherwood 2 (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Jemma Robertson (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Rosie Wild 2 (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Dani Ohlsson (WU) and Sam Wooley (PNM)
TheJourneyFan: Charlotte Wilford Carroll (WU) & Sam Wooley (PNM)
TheJourneyFan: Liz Crowe (WU)
TheJourneyFan: IMG_0264
TheJourneyFan: Charlotte Wilford Carroll (WU) (2)
TheJourneyFan: Jemma Robertson (WU) takes a penalty
TheJourneyFan: and scores