TheJourneyFan: Nicole Dalley
TheJourneyFan: IMG_8800
TheJourneyFan: Sarah Eicher sets off on the run that results in her scoring
TheJourneyFan: Sarah Eicher traps
TheJourneyFan: Sophie Smith tracks a Uni player
TheJourneyFan: Sarah Eicher tackles VUW player
TheJourneyFan: Sandy Cumpstone holds off a Vic Uni tackle
TheJourneyFan: Sandy Cumpstone
TheJourneyFan: Tara Elmes
TheJourneyFan: Sam Whyte 1
TheJourneyFan: Sam Whyte 2
TheJourneyFan: IMG_8934
TheJourneyFan: IMG_8945
TheJourneyFan: Isabella Leniham-Ikin is amazeed she just scored
TheJourneyFan: Sam Whyte gets past Uni player
TheJourneyFan: IMG_8980
TheJourneyFan: Vic Uni keeper can't hold Jordan Coulters shot
TheJourneyFan: IMG_8986
TheJourneyFan: The Referee reckoned this was a goal
TheJourneyFan: Sandy Cumpstone gets taken out
TheJourneyFan: Vic Uni keeper saves a penalty
TheJourneyFan: Sandy Cumpstone battling for the ball
TheJourneyFan: Sophie Smith sends a through ball
TheJourneyFan: Viola Trnski
TheJourneyFan: Matt Snaddon presents Tara Elmes with the cup, Coach not paying attention
TheJourneyFan: 2019 Wellington United Sapphires Capital Premier Cup winners
TheJourneyFan: Sam Whyte with the cup
TheJourneyFan: Player of the day, Nicole Dalley with the cup
TheJourneyFan: IMG_9074
TheJourneyFan: The Young ones