TheJourneyFan: Ref talks to Ball kid
TheJourneyFan: Charlotte Wilford Carroll (WU) is shocked by the ball arriving
TheJourneyFan: IMG_8451
TheJourneyFan: IMG_8454
TheJourneyFan: IMG_8464
TheJourneyFan: Briar Palmer (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Kelsey Wilkinson (WU) breaks away
TheJourneyFan: IMG_8524
TheJourneyFan: Mickey Robertson (WU) gets up
TheJourneyFan: Fran Grange (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Coastal Spirit player & Sophie Dijkstra (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Briar Palmer (WU) again
TheJourneyFan: Arana Roberts (CS) fouls Mickey Robertson (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Almost a goal
TheJourneyFan: Mickey Robertson
TheJourneyFan: IMG_8568
TheJourneyFan: United fans
TheJourneyFan: Charlotte Wilford Carroll (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Jemma Catherwood (WU)
TheJourneyFan: IMG_8611
TheJourneyFan: Coastal Spirit fans
TheJourneyFan: a rare pic of Asha Strom without her tounge sticking out!
TheJourneyFan: Another of the many faces of Charlotte Wilford Carroll
TheJourneyFan: Briar Palmer (WU) in front of the bench
TheJourneyFan: back to normal - Asha Strom (WU) with her tounge sticking out
TheJourneyFan: Mickey Robertson (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Mickey battles for the ball
TheJourneyFan: Charlotte Wilford Carroll (WU) beats Ellena Firth (CS)
TheJourneyFan: Fran Grage (WU) expects the worst
TheJourneyFan: Dani Ohlsson (WU) crosses