TheJourneyFan: VUW Player & Dani Ohlsson (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Asha Strom (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Asha Strom (WU) holds of VUW players
TheJourneyFan: Liz Crowe (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Emma Rzepecky (VUW) saves
TheJourneyFan: IMG_7149
TheJourneyFan: Dani Ohlsson (WU)
TheJourneyFan: IMG_7216
TheJourneyFan: Sarah Alder (WU)
TheJourneyFan: IMG_7237
TheJourneyFan: Nat Olson (WU) hits the bar
TheJourneyFan: Sophie Dijkstra (WU)
TheJourneyFan: IMG_7259
TheJourneyFan: IMG_7325
TheJourneyFan: Nat Olson (WU)
TheJourneyFan: IMG_7346
TheJourneyFan: Asha Strom (WU)2
TheJourneyFan: Roni Lipi (WU) saves
TheJourneyFan: Jemma Robertson (WU) wants that ball
TheJourneyFan: IMG_7104