TheJourneyFan: Wellington Olympic
TheJourneyFan: Olympic fans
TheJourneyFan: Spartan Warrior
TheJourneyFan: Bredeveldt (MR) sends a shot over the bar
TheJourneyFan: IMG_1385
TheJourneyFan: IMG_1391
TheJourneyFan: Manny Achol (Oly) & Aleem Sheik (MR)
TheJourneyFan: Scott Basalaj (Oly)
TheJourneyFan: Cris Baz (Oly)
TheJourneyFan: Joel Stevens (MR) makes it 1 each
TheJourneyFan: Blake Weston (Oly) tackles Mikhali Bredeveldt (MR)
TheJourneyFan: Gianni Bouzoukis (Oly) makes it 2-1
TheJourneyFan: Weston (Oly) & Bredeveldt (MR) have a discussion
TheJourneyFan: Bredevedlt (MR) being told that yes Red means you have to leave the field
TheJourneyFan: Manny Achol (Oly) tackles Aleem Sheik (MR)
TheJourneyFan: IMG_1479
TheJourneyFan: Tom Jackson (MR) taking a throw in
TheJourneyFan: Gonzalo Amado (Oly) earns a Yellow Card
TheJourneyFan: IMG_1526
TheJourneyFan: The guys with the Olympic Bell
TheJourneyFan: The apperentice Olympic Bell
TheJourneyFan: Jinjan Zhang (MR) & Birhanu Taye (Oly)
TheJourneyFan: IMG_1560
TheJourneyFan: IMG_1573
TheJourneyFan: IMG_1590
TheJourneyFan: Eric Molloy (MR) and Scott Basalaj (WO)
TheJourneyFan: Tom Jackson (MR)
TheJourneyFan: Olympic fans celebrate their 3rd goal
TheJourneyFan: Scott Basalaj (WO)
TheJourneyFan: Tommy Jackson (MR) celebrating his goal