TheJourneyFan: Coin toss
TheJourneyFan: Taylor Hall-Jones (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Suele Soromon (WU) & Miramar Player
TheJourneyFan: Paul Ifill (WU) & Saul Halpin (MR)
TheJourneyFan: Sam Mason-Smith (WU) & Ben Thomas (MR)
TheJourneyFan: Callan Elliott (WU) & Niko Kirwan (MR)
TheJourneyFan: Callan Elliott (WU) shoots past Ben Thomas (MR)
TheJourneyFan: Brian Kaltak (WU) & Mikhail Bredeveledt (MR)
TheJourneyFan: Paul Ifill (WU) & Ben Thomas (MR)
TheJourneyFan: Alex Ridsdale (WU) tackled by a miramar player
TheJourneyFan: Dan Clarke (MR) makes a save
TheJourneyFan: Suele Soromon (WU) stands on the ball
TheJourneyFan: IMG_1586
TheJourneyFan: Paul Ifill (WU)
TheJourneyFan: Dan Clarke (MR) makes another save
TheJourneyFan: Sam Mason-Smith (WU) makes it 2-3
TheJourneyFan: Alex Ridsdale (WU) holds onto Dominic Rowe (MR)
TheJourneyFan: Brian Kaltack (WU) takes defensive action
TheJourneyFan: Jack Imray (MR) puts the ball over his own goalline to make it 3-3
TheJourneyFan: Coey Turipa (WU) & Jack Imray (MR)
TheJourneyFan: Ermal Hadjari (WU)
TheJourneyFan: IMG_1738
TheJourneyFan: Niko Kirwan (MR)
TheJourneyFan: Paul Ifill (WU) Shoots
TheJourneyFan: Paul Ifill's (WU) shot hits the post
TheJourneyFan: Coey Turipa (WU) stretches
TheJourneyFan: Coey Turipa (WU) saves
TheJourneyFan: IMG_1848
TheJourneyFan: Final Score