TheJourneyFan: DSC02158
TheJourneyFan: Bill Robertson (TW) blocks the shot
TheJourneyFan: Tade (ACFC) shoots
TheJourneyFan: Ryan De Vries (ACFC) & Josh Margretts (TW)
TheJourneyFan: Ryan De Vries makes it 1-0 to Auckland City
TheJourneyFan: DSC02314
TheJourneyFan: Leo Villa (TW)
TheJourneyFan: Jose Figuera & the Team Wellington bench
TheJourneyFan: Reid Drake (ACFC)
TheJourneyFan: Albert Riera (ACFC) & Andy Bevin (TW)
TheJourneyFan: Tade (ACFC) jumps to defend a Team Wellington Free kick
TheJourneyFan: Micah Lea'alfa (ACFC)
TheJourneyFan: Taylor Schrivers (TW) & Emilano Tade (ACFC)
TheJourneyFan: Niko Kirwan (TW)
TheJourneyFan: Niko Kirwan (TW) beats Harry Edge (ACFC) to a header
TheJourneyFan: Leo Villa (TW) & Albert Riera (ACFC)
TheJourneyFan: Andy Bevin (TW) & Harry Edge (ACFC)
TheJourneyFan: Emilano Tade (ACFC) & Niko Kirwan (TW)
TheJourneyFan: Auckland City coach Ramon Tribulitex
TheJourneyFan: Team Wellington Captain Bill Robertson
TheJourneyFan: Niko Kirwan (TW) & Emilano Tade (ACFC) challenge for the ball
TheJourneyFan: Nathaniel Hailemariam (TW) challenges ACFC keeper Enaut Zubikarai
TheJourneyFan: Team Wellington's Scott Basalaj dives the wrong way from Tade's penalty
TheJourneyFan: Emilano Tade (ACFC)
TheJourneyFan: Final Score
TheJourneyFan: The Charity Cup
TheJourneyFan: The ref's
TheJourneyFan: Auckland City 2016-17 Charity Cup Winners
TheJourneyFan: Auckland City captain Angel Berlanga with the Charity Cup