Kevin E. Fox: American Bald Eagle
normanwest4tography: Pintail - Anas acuta
laurie.mccarty: DSC_3582.jpg=021719
Jesse_in_CT: Golden-winged Warbler
Fred Roe: Northern Parula [Setophaga Americana]
Ken Krach Photography: Dual Hunters
stanlupo (Thanks for 6,000,000 views): Black-throated Green II_2018
rumerbob: Mute Swan. Cygnus olor
lfalterbauer: 2I1A9059a
normanwest4tography: Buzzard - Buteo buteo
rumerbob: Bald Eagle Juvenile Standing on ice.
Fred Roe: Nailing his landing
Jesse_in_CT: Great Blue Heron
Earl Reinink: Intense scrutiny
redmanian: Sweet (Explored 19-01-18)
Rudy in Ottawa: Snowy Owl - rural west Ottawa (Explored)
Kevin E. Fox: American Kestrel
Kevin E. Fox: Red-breasted Merganser Male
Kevin E. Fox: Red-breasted Merganser Females and a Male
Kevin E. Fox: Awwwwww
Kevin E. Fox: Sharp-Shinned Hawk Juvenile
Kevin E. Fox: Male Red-breasted Merganser
Kevin E. Fox: Got it
Fred Roe: Happy New Year to all my Flickr Friends
Ken Krach Photography: From Across the River
Kevin James54: White-throated Sparrow
lfalterbauer: 2I1A3077aa
Ken Krach Photography: Traffic Control Needed
Ken Krach Photography: Drooping Tail Feathers :)
normanwest4tography: Wigeon - Anas penelope