lukenotskywalker60: Opened upon the inauguration of the State House in January 1798, Doric Hall was designed by Charles Bulfinch, architect of the State House
lukenotskywalker60: Civil War Army Nurses Memorial By Bela Lyon Pratt, 1911, Bronze
lukenotskywalker60: Nurses Hall was originally called Senate Staircase Hall as it contains one of two grand stairways to the legislative chambers on the third floor.
lukenotskywalker60: Nurses Hall was originally called Senate Staircase Hall as it contains one of two grand stairways to the legislative chambers on the third floor.
lukenotskywalker60: Nurses Hall was originally called Senate Staircase Hall as it contains one of two grand stairways to the legislative chambers on the third floor.
lukenotskywalker60: Nurses Hall was originally called Senate Staircase Hall as it contains one of two grand stairways to the legislative chambers on the third floor.
lukenotskywalker60: Charles Bulfinch By Herbert Adams, 1899 Bronze,
lukenotskywalker60: George Washington By Sir Francis Chantrey, 1826
lukenotskywalker60: The Boston Tea Party (1904)By Robert Reid
lukenotskywalker60: Civil War Army Nurses Memorial By Bela Lyon Pratt, 1911, Bronze
lukenotskywalker60: Stained Glass Window By Edwin Ford and Frederick Brooks, 1899
lukenotskywalker60: Memorial Hall, Massachusetts State House, Boston
lukenotskywalker60: Memorial Hall, Massachusetts State House, Boston
lukenotskywalker60: Memorial Hall, Massachusetts State House, Boston
lukenotskywalker60: Memorial Hall, Massachusetts State House, Boston
lukenotskywalker60: The Pilgrims on the Mayflower By Henry Oliver Walker, 1902 Oil on canvas, 175 x 162 in.
lukenotskywalker60: Memorial Hall, Massachusetts State House, Boston
lukenotskywalker60: Stained Glass Window Designer unknown, 1900
lukenotskywalker60: Great Hall, Massachusetts State House, Boston
lukenotskywalker60: Massachusetts State House, Boston
lukenotskywalker60: Stained Glass Window Designer unknown, 1900