ChenBowery.: J C 073
ChenBowery.: my girl ><
ChenBowery.: MY COVER GIRL
ChenBowery.: DSCF0707
ChenBowery.: DSCF0684
ChenBowery.: 攝影師! photo taker! 3/365
ChenBowery.: harvest with retro mama's scalp custom
ChenBowery.: 我覺得有點昭和的味道耶
ChenBowery.: 228公園
ChenBowery.: butter on nose!
ChenBowery.: DSCF9376
ChenBowery.: DSCF9390
ChenBowery.: DSCF9437
ChenBowery.: DSCF9435
ChenBowery.: DSCF9460
ChenBowery.: 金瓜十老街 很寧靜
ChenBowery.: Lady gaga ?
ChenBowery.: Alexa Bag!
ChenBowery.: A Bayswater for Blythe~ Let's shopping!
ChenBowery.: look book Blythe version ^^!
ChenBowery.: new dress with hat :)
ChenBowery.: my angel:)
ChenBowery.: My first FBL custom~~
ChenBowery.: I think this is better than whole pink.
ChenBowery.: leather gowns with Blythe
ChenBowery.: ChuThings My fav ^^!