Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Black-shouldered Kite [Elamis axillaris]
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Job done. The walkway across the Salisbury Waters pool, Dangars Gorge, after the recent heavy rain. The railings are designed to collapse & allow free movement of floodwater & debris, saving the structure from damage.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Short-beaked Echidna [Tachyglossus aculeatus]
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Rainbow Lorikeet [Trichoglossus haematodus] in our front yard bottlebrush.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Rainbow Lorikeet [Trichoglossus haematodus] in our front yard bottlebrush.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Rainbow Lorikeet [Trichoglossus haematodus] in our front yard bottlebrush.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Rainbow Lorikeet [Trichoglossus haematodus] in our front yard bottlebrush.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Ebor Falls after the fire destroyed the lookout - remains of rubble in foreground - & we had some good rains early in the year.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: One of three young male Superb Lyrebirds [Menura novaehollandiae] foraging together. Wollomombi Falls.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Two of the three young male Superb Lyrebirds [Menura novaehollandiae] foraging together. Wollomombi Falls.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: All three of the young male Superb Lyrebirds [Menura novaehollandiae] foraging together. Wollomombi Falls.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Spotted-tailed Quoll [Dasyurus maculatus], Cathedral Rocks.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Spotted-tailed Quoll [Dasyurus maculatus], Cathedral Rocks.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Spotted-tailed Quoll [Dasyurus maculatus], Cathedral Rocks.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Spotted-tailed Quoll [Dasyurus maculatus], Cathedral Rocks.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Spotted-tailed Quoll [Dasyurus maculatus], Cathedral Rocks.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Spotted-tailed Quoll [Dasyurus maculatus], Cathedral Rocks.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Regrowth after the fires. Small Grass Trees [Xanthorrhoea minor]
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Regrowth after the fires. Small Grass Trees [Xanthorrhoea minor]
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Eastern Blue-tongue Lizard [Tiliqua scincoides] on our back pavers.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Female Leaden Flycatcher [Myiagra rubecula] with Cicada.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Female Leaden Flycatcher [Myiagra rubecula]
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: Hyacinth Orchid [Dipodium punctatum].
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: White-eared Honeyeater [Lichenostomus flavus].
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney: White-eared Honeyeater [Lichenostomus flavus].