flo_rit: #makeartthatsells #mymatsprep Day 1: Color Hunt Here we go, back to work... getting ready for Home Décor challenging class with a Color Hunt palette mini exercise "what's on my desk?"....
flo_rit: #makeartthatsells #mymatsprep Day 2: Lamp Shades Contextual research for Home Décor class next week. Hard plastic & paper lantern I made a couple of years ago for an event.
flo_rit: #makeartthatsells #mymatsprep Day 2 : Lamp Shades
flo_rit: #makeartthatsells #mymatsprep #lillarogers Day 3 : Your Collections Not mine but Lilla's dolls made me think that I had taken my Mum's dolls' collection in photos for our last assignment for MATS A last year but hadn't used it in the end. Love them :).
flo_rit: MATS HOME DÉCOR Week 1 : Metal Mini Assignment : Birds Almost 1st time for me drawing birds. Took me some time to get into it but still not sure where I'm going. Good exercise though as it makes me dig into birds that we can see here in La Réunion.
flo_rit: HOME DECOR Week 2 : Fabric Some sketches and pattern I did at the beginning of the week. #makeartthatsells #lillarogers #reunionislandcraft
flo_rit: MATS HOME DÉCOR Week 2 : Fabric The Mini : Flowers Getting more into the marine atmosphere. #makeartthatsells #lillarogers #reunionislandcraft
flo_rit: MATS HOME DÉCOR Week 2 : Fabric Having fun with pattern with a marina feel. Added one of my birds from last week's assignment #makeartthatsells #lillarogers #reunionislandcraft
flo_rit: MATS HOME DÉCOR Week 2 : Fabric Final assignment. I did it! Yeah 😊. So proud to have finished on time. #makeartthatsells #lillarogers #reunionislandcraft
flo_rit: Sea Flowers - Florie Bonnet
flo_rit: "La Marina" - Florie Bonnet
flo_rit: MATS HOME DÉCOR Week 4 : Ceramic The Mini : Lettering Playing around with hand-lettering and the marine theme. Recherche graphique autour des mots et de leur calligraphie sur la thématique de la mer dans le cadre de ma formation. #makeartthatsells #lilla
flo_rit: Week 4 : CERAMIC - Florie Bonnet
flo_rit: MATS HOME DÉCOR Week 5 : Wood/MDF THE MINI : Mark making
flo_rit: MATS HOME DÉCOR Week 5 : Wood / MDF THE MINI : Mark making 2 Trying on new stuff. Watercolour and salt ☺. Fun!
flo_rit: Sea Shore notes - Florie Bonnet
flo_rit: Sea Shore - Florie Bonnet