Married with Maps: Crossing the Stillaguamish River
Married with Maps: Ridge Line at Big Four Ice Caves
Married with Maps: Big Four Ice Cave
Married with Maps: Ancient Cypress Trees
Married with Maps: Ohanapecosh River Crossing
Married with Maps: Lake 22 Boardwalk
Married with Maps: Apron Falls
Married with Maps: Log Stairs to Lake 22
Married with Maps: Maple Pass
Married with Maps: Looking Back on Maple Pass
Married with Maps: Maple Pass Loop
Married with Maps: Trail Post along Maple Pass
Married with Maps: Mt Rainier and a Pond
Married with Maps: Mount Rainier
Married with Maps: Tipsoo Lake
Married with Maps: Naches Loop
Married with Maps: Naches Loop Trail
Married with Maps: Stream Crossing on Mt Pilchuck
Married with Maps: Flooded Trail on Mount Pilchuck
Married with Maps: Pilchuck03
Married with Maps: Mt Pilchuck Snowfield
Married with Maps: Mt Rainier From Mt Pilchuck
Married with Maps: Rattlesnake Lake Shoreline
Married with Maps: Rattlesnake Lake and Ridge
Married with Maps: Snoqualmie Falls Lower View
Married with Maps: Snoqualmie Falls
Married with Maps: Wallace Falls
Married with Maps: View from the Top