Married with Maps: On The Bus to Mexico City
Married with Maps: Waiting for the bus to arrive at Teotihuacan
Married with Maps: View of the Sun from the Moon
Married with Maps: Puma Mural
Married with Maps: Briana descending the Pyramid of the Sun
Married with Maps: Briana and her father atop Teotihuacan
Married with Maps: Kyle with a local stray overlooking Pyramid of the Moon
Married with Maps: Kyle and Briana atop the Pyramid of the Sun
Married with Maps: Stray Dog on the Pyramid of the Sun Stairs
Married with Maps: Avenue of the Dead Ruins
Married with Maps: Pyramid of the Sun
Married with Maps: Restored Temple Platform
Married with Maps: Restored Ruins Example
Married with Maps: Teotihuacan Vistor Center and Restaurant
Married with Maps: Temple of the Feathered Serpent
Married with Maps: Feathered Serpent Detail
Married with Maps: Cuidadela Teotihuacan Side
Married with Maps: Central View of the Cuidadela at Teotihuacan
Married with Maps: Briana at the Cuidadela
Married with Maps: Avenue of the Dead Field Teotihuacan
Married with Maps: Old Temple Construction at the Avenue of the Dead Teotihuacan
Married with Maps: Briana exploring a temple along the avenue of the dead at Teotihuacan
Married with Maps: Temple Ruins along Avenue of the Dead Teotihuacan
Married with Maps: Avenue of the Dead Field
Married with Maps: Pyramid of the Moon at Teotihuacan
Married with Maps: Pyramid of the Sun Teotihuacan
Married with Maps: Relief Carvings in the Courtyard of Palacio de Quetzalpapalotl
Married with Maps: Courtyard of Palacio de Quetzalpapalotl
Married with Maps: Palacio de Quetzalpapalotl at Teotihuacan
Married with Maps: Restored Wall at Palacio de Quetzalpapalotl