Grandpops Woodlice: ... My sexy Gannet outfit turned heads !! ...
BjørnP: Church in sunset
PixTuner: End of Work
Dhina A: Tidy Tips
der_peste (on/off): Soulmates together
Luca Libralato: Stars And Stripes
Steve Cooke-SRAviation: "Ramex Delta"
Bernd Schunack: Through the Fields
PhiiiiiiiL: 1 Night at the Stellisee
jan_clewett: Winter's morning
Dhina A: Colorful Dreams
yhtomitc: DSC01677
Craebby: Coal power plant at night
::: Dennis Liang :::: Illusion 幻象
Ontalbenja: Rojo.Red
macsenti: Capo Caccia
crazy art2009: Super lightning in Pretoria, South Africa on the 7 December 2015.
tang老肥: 脫穎而出
macsenti: Pigniu, Switzerland
mifranc91: Recherche de la lumière
King Grecko: Sodermalm, Stockholm, at Dusk
Michael Angelo 77: Waving Rays
Michael Angelo 77: No Trespassing
tomk630: The sun; reaching out at day's end....
derliebewolf: Sunset Color Explosion
Pedro Tr.: Looking for the sun...