YetAnotherLisa: I brought in the New Year with Kathy and Anderson in Time Square. 1/365 ish
YetAnotherLisa: Basketball season is here... 2/365
YetAnotherLisa: Red, Seeing Red...3/365
YetAnotherLisa: I eat lunch here...4/365
YetAnotherLisa: Take me away... 5/365
YetAnotherLisa: Waiting... 6/365
YetAnotherLisa: Body Language...7/365
YetAnotherLisa: Going Tribal... 8/365
YetAnotherLisa: I am 13 Diet Cokes Tall...9/365
YetAnotherLisa: Real World Math 1 + 1 = 4
YetAnotherLisa: Cleaning Agent... 11/365
YetAnotherLisa: Turn your monitor upsidedown, seriously you won't be disappointed..... 12/365
YetAnotherLisa: I'm No Bunny... 13/365
YetAnotherLisa: A mug of hot water and a set of push-ups... 14/365
YetAnotherLisa: Multiples.. 15/365
YetAnotherLisa: CPR Tattoo...16/365
YetAnotherLisa: Showdown... 17/365
YetAnotherLisa: Flying Away...18/365
YetAnotherLisa: Gone Fishing... 19/365
YetAnotherLisa: We brought the world... 20/365
YetAnotherLisa: Aloha Thrift Store... 21/365
YetAnotherLisa: And so it continues...22/365
YetAnotherLisa: I have just one word..."plastics" 23/365
YetAnotherLisa: Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to accept God's final word on where your lips end. 24/365
YetAnotherLisa: Not My Sexy Shoes...25/325
YetAnotherLisa: Shallow?...26/365
YetAnotherLisa: Same... 27/365
YetAnotherLisa: Mad at Myself...28/365
YetAnotherLisa: Optimism... 29/365
YetAnotherLisa: Let it sun! 30/365