CatCatalina: Depresso... [adj.]..the feeling when you´ve run out of coffee..
CatCatalina: Heliophilia (n.) desire to stay at the sun; love of sunlight..... ( then i'm sick)
CatCatalina: Bedgasm: ( n.) A feeling of euphoria experienced when climbing into bed, at the end of a very long day...... :P
CatCatalina: Pisanthrophobia [n.] fear of trusting people due to past experiences with relationships gone bad...
CatCatalina: Unfuckwithable (adj.) When you are truly at peace and in touch with yourself, and nothing anyone says or does bothers you, and no negativity or drama can touch you......
CatCatalina: Truelove [n.] When your pet comes to your room on its own.
CatCatalina: Pluviophile. ( n).. a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.
CatCatalina: Errorist [n.] Someone who repeatedly make the same mistakes ....
CatCatalina: Nyctophile: [n.] a person who loves night, darkness..
CatCatalina: Philophopia: [n.] fear of being in ....or fall in love.
CatCatalina: Heart Attack: (n.) when you try to reach your cell phone in your pocket, and forgot that you had put it somewhere else....
CatCatalina: Vertigo [n.] Is the conflict between the fear of falling and the desire to fall. ( Salman Rushdie)
CatCatalina: Destinesia: [n.] When you get to where you were intending to go, but forget why you were going there in the first place.
CatCatalina: Ethereal: [adj.] Extremly delicate light, not of this world.
CatCatalina: Disappointment: [n.] Waking up and realizing that your dream wasn't real....
CatCatalina: Serendipity [n.] Finding something beautiful without looking for it..
CatCatalina: Hello: [n.] a simple word that can lead to a thousand things...
CatCatalina: Just Kidding [phrase]: .....Secretly..... I really mean it....... :P
CatCatalina: Immature: [adj.] a word used by boring people to describe fun people...:P
CatCatalina: AskHole: [n.] Someone that asks many stupid questions..
CatCatalina: FLICKR: [n] where we spend more time than we should...
CatCatalina: Silence: [n.] a good revenge.... an often the best answer...
CatCatalina: Morning [n.] The time when the bed has more gravity.. .. :P
CatCatalina: Hakuna Matata: (n.) Swahili, No worries for the rest of your days.... :)
CatCatalina: Beach: [n.] a place for relaxation, rest and tranquility...
CatCatalina: Textpectation: [n.] The anticipation felt when waiting to a response to a text... :))
CatCatalina: Freedom: [n.] is being you... with out anyone's permission
CatCatalina: Patience [n] Is a virtue I lack .....
CatCatalina: Depressing [adj]. My hair only looks good when no one important sees me...
CatCatalina: Antistalking [verb]: learning someone's routine....... so you can avoid them... :P