My View, My Life:
would be an umbrella to cover the sunlight for you 😘
My View, My Life:
wanna fly if the wings of leaves could be! 😆想飛...
My View, My Life:
eyeball or pupil, both are not, it's the sunrise moment.🌄 日暈
My View, My Life:
have a nice weekend 😄 灼灼荷花瑞,亭亭出水中.
My View, My Life:
the same hobby 🙋
My View, My Life:
sunny day🌄 山青水秀,波光粼粼
My View, My Life:
sunny day🌄 山青水秀,波光粼粼
My View, My Life:
My View, My Life:
drunk... when I saw the beauty to stand alone on the lake.😘 關關雎鳩,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑。
My View, My Life:
if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss her. 😘接天蓮葉無窮碧,映日荷花別樣紅.
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beauty of lake😘 濁者自清,高風亮節.
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nice weekend my friends.😄
My View, My Life:
face to anything with smile 😊😊😊
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the early summer is coming.😄 夏之戀
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Merry Dragon Boat Festival 😄 端午佳節愉快!
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tiny but high morale 😄 斯是陋室,唯吾德馨.
My View, My Life:
take no time to love it, but take years to know what love is.😄 情寄丹青終無悔,愛托山巔梢白頭.
My View, My Life:
spring in my eyes 😊
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share a poetic, painterly and wonderful film.😄
My View, My Life:
once in a summer 😘 那年夏天
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looking forward to a new week😄
My View, My Life:
have a nice weekend😄
My View, My Life:
good day 😄
My View, My Life:
good day 😄
My View, My Life:
the lotus is waving in the breeze 搖曳生姿
My View, My Life:
beautiful rose for you 😄