suttonedward242: "Well you know......
suttonedward242: Beats Bare Brick.
suttonedward242: Wigan NW.
suttonedward242: Wigan NW the Southern approach.
suttonedward242: The Swan and Railway, Wigan.
suttonedward242: 22-07-17 45690 Leander.
suttonedward242: Work in progress.
suttonedward242: Working it out....
suttonedward242: Chumbawamba.
suttonedward242: Heat of the moment.
suttonedward242: When you just can't watch !
suttonedward242: The psalm remains the same
suttonedward242: Electra.
suttonedward242: Time frames.
suttonedward242: Track work, completed.
suttonedward242: Propelling is 68026, 3B92 Carlisle-Bletchley up&down relief.
suttonedward242: Union City erm... Green, Blondie.
suttonedward242: 3755 horses and 1 big cat,on safari.
suttonedward242: Society building... (Anzac Day)
suttonedward242: Youthful exuberance...... maybe tomorrow.
suttonedward242: Heading up the prospect......
suttonedward242: Clear as a bell..
suttonedward242: The rumour mill...
suttonedward242: Who are you.... ?
suttonedward242: 47749 "City of Truro"
suttonedward242: Northern Apron, PM pass....
suttonedward242: A.M. start...
suttonedward242: Wallgate Shuffle....