MyFoto:): XiǎoQíjī and Marty getting ready to play tug-of-war 2021-01-27 at 1.20.24 PM
MyFoto:): Keepers Ready Mei's Yard 2021-01-01
MyFoto:): Mei Xiang (No treats at the gate. No wonder the Keepers hide their faces behind masks.) 2020-11-17 at 7.42.39 AM
MyFoto:): Tian Tian (1. My left shoulder needs some work. 2. Mei–should I order a couples massage next time? 3. A little higher to my right. Higher please. 4. Yeah...that's the spot!!) 2020-12-19 at 13.15.03–.22 PM
MyFoto:): Mei Xiang (Here we go with the spool in the sack... Guess it's going to be that kind of day.) 2020-11-22 at 8.06.47–.15.04 AM
MyFoto:): A Keeper keeping: Out with the old...2020-10-30 at 13.21.37-.25.17 PM
MyFoto:): A Keeper keeping: In with the new... 2020-10-30 at 13.23.13–.25.26 PM
MyFoto:): Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail shall keep Keepers from their appointed rounds. 2020-10-29 at 13.50.28 PM
MyFoto:): A Keeper Keeping 2020-10-27 at 13.17.29 & 13.18.19 PM
MyFoto:): A Keeper Keeping 2020-10-25 at 13.18.51–13.19.30 PM
MyFoto:): Mei Xiang (What's this? Juice time? I could use more of this room service.) 2020-09-25 at 14.01.40 PM
MyFoto:): Nothing like special attention from the Keepers. 2019-07-04 at 6.43.33 PM
MyFoto:): Tian Tian (Watching my keepers put out my treats makes me thirsty. I see that biscuit ball–step lively with my boo so you can open my gate. Yup, chef made the biscuits just how I like them. Hey Mei, you got some good eats too?) 2019-03-24 at 7.30.46–.39AM
MyFoto:): Bei Bei (Hey Marty, what's up? You only threw one sugar cane on my hammie. I'm hungry, how 'bout another? Yup, that's what I'm talking about.) 2019-04-05 at 1.33.52 PM
MyFoto:): The Keeper takes a cub, puts it back and takes the other. They finally end up together–asleep. 2018-10-26 at 9.48.44–10.45.36 PM ET
MyFoto:): Bei Bei (Helloooo! It's Bei Bei here waitin' for my breakfast. I'm waitin'. Still waitin'. Hold on, whose breakfast do I smell outside? Is that mine or Marty's?) 2018-09-25 at 7.27.47–.33.26 AM
MyFoto:): Mei Xiang & Tian Tian with a Keeper 2018-09-21 at 8.51.07 & 8.52.25 AM
MyFoto:): Before the montior switched the camera 2018-09-18 at 7.40.02–.46 AM
MyFoto:): Bei Bei (I glad my Keepers didn't drop my birthday cake. It woulda tasted as good but wouldn't have been so pretty for my fans.) 2018-08-22 at 10.55.50–11.01.59 AM
MyFoto:): Fruitie with an Audience 2018-06-25
MyFoto:): Cleaning Bei's Apartment 2018-05-17 at 10.53.12 AM
MyFoto:): Marty brings boo for Mei 2018-05-13 at 13.42.41 & .42 PM
MyFoto:): Keepers–Behind the Scenes 2018-04-28
MyFoto:): Treat Time 2017-11-28
MyFoto:): Mei Xiang (Excuse me! Where are you taking my honey crate? You mean I have to come inside to eat? Now I understand. I'll entertain the visitors as long as I don't have to share. Any way, honey is scrumpdillyicious!) 2018-03-15 @ 13.34.26–14.08.03 PM
MyFoto:): Bei Bei (Doya think I can't hear ya standin' outsida my door? I slept in late so you could finish your chores, so when I got up ya could let me out right away. Now I no feel like goin' out anymore...) 2018-03-13 at AM
MyFoto:): Tian (Keep them tasty treats coming please.) Mei (Tasty? What's tasty honey? Keeper–I want something tasty too. Delicious!) Tian (A carrot? Mei what do you have? Carrots? Keeper–don't you have something else back there for me?)2018-03-10@9.13.05–.16.25AM
MyFoto:): Hot to Trot 2018-03-01
MyFoto:): Asian Elephants 2018-02-18
MyFoto:): Tian Tian (Did I hear someone say something about my age? Let me show you I still got it. I'm proud of my son Bei but he's still an amateur compared to me up in the trees.) 2018-02-14 at 8.39.39 AM