Slender-tailed Meerkat (Is this #PandaStory? You cam fans must really be missing your daily panda fix. We don't have any cams so we depend on visitors for attention and now they've disappeared. I'm giving you my best pouty pose so give me some love.)
Sparky (“Lions and tigers and bears, oh my." We tigers had a Web cam like lions and bears, but now we got nadda. I’m off to see the Zoo Wizard to complain. What–no cams with the govt shutdown? No surprise–I hear politicians leave a bitter after taste.)
Dwarf Mongooses ( #1. Yo Mong, didya hear that human compare us to Larry at the Panda House–we related? #2. Nope, our kin's cat-like, that rat's food. #1. Not our food. I hear those pandas are GIANT and Larry's tight with The Bei.) 2017-03-09 @ 12.07 PM
Golden-headed Lion Tamarin (Even a panda fan has got to love this face.) 2017-03-09 at 11:59 AM
Orangutan (C'mon now, you gotta admit I eat my food with a lot more finesse than those pandas.) 2017-03-09 at 2.08-2.13 PM
Schmhidt's Red-tailed Monkey (What do you mean you're leaving now to visit Bei Bei? I'm demonstrating my manual dexterity here. That panda may have an opposable thumb, but he can't pick up food this small with his paws. Geez.) 2017-03-09 @12.46 PM
Schmidt's Red-Tailed Monkey ((Hey there...give us monkeys a webcam like the pandas and let me entertain you.) 2017-03-09 at 11.46 AM