Dora 913: Sheaves
Dora 913: in the beanfield
Dora 913: old Silos...
Dora 913: Farm in Ontario
Dora 913: farming in my part of the world
Dora 913: farm on the hill
Dora 913: farming in Ontario
Dora 913: Machinery in a beanfield
Dora 913: cornfield
Dora 913: wood for Winter
Dora 913: at the back of a Farm
Dora 913: DSCN3162
Dora 913: DSCN3156
Dora 913: was explored in Dora 139
Dora 913: Farm Equipment
Dora 913: Maple sap is flowing again
Dora 913: local History 1
Dora 913: local History
Dora 913: Farm in Ontario
Dora 913: Solar Panels
Dora 913: two ways of collecting Maple Sirup
Dora 913: the old Homestead
Dora 913: up the hill
Dora 913: Sprayer
Dora 913: neglected
Dora 913: Farmland in ON
Dora 913: mailbox
Dora 913: the lights will go on... so come on over...
Dora 913: at the Organic Farm
Dora 913: rural Ontario