maryeo001: 1. Sign of the times!
maryeo001: 2. Down the plughole!
maryeo001: 3. Fun in the sun
maryeo001: 4. Walking on thin ice
maryeo001: 5. Street art, Leicester
maryeo001: 7. Blue tit
maryeo001: 6. Reflection
maryeo001: 8. Windswept heron
maryeo001: 9. Old John arch
maryeo001: 10. Snow!
maryeo001: 12. Morocco 28
maryeo001: 13. Morocco 54
maryeo001: 14 Cat's eye level
maryeo001: 11. Morocco 1
maryeo001: 16. down with the elephants
maryeo001: 17. big wheel
maryeo001: 18. Sedge Warbler warbling
maryeo001: 19. setting sun
maryeo001: 20. wildwood
maryeo001: 21. bladder campion
maryeo001: 22. Busy bees
maryeo001: 23. Old frame
maryeo001: 24. Ladybird on marsh orchid
maryeo001: 25. skins of emerged dragonfly nymphs
maryeo001: 27. tempting
maryeo001: 26. Antz!
maryeo001: 28. Milky water - love it or hate it?
maryeo001: 29. Monsal Dale
maryeo001: 30. taking shelter?
maryeo001: 31. Poppies