big_jeff_leo: WW2 Army Recon Unit
big_jeff_leo: Street Shuffle
big_jeff_leo: USA Army hat on a shelf
big_jeff_leo: Shave that Beard Man, you are not in the Navy
big_jeff_leo: 82nd Airbourne oldest combattant
big_jeff_leo: A happy 40's reunion
big_jeff_leo: Patton Lives
big_jeff_leo: 40's Trio
big_jeff_leo: WW2 Vevicle flash back
big_jeff_leo: The French Officer
big_jeff_leo: Dancing in the Street
big_jeff_leo: 1940's Police Road Block
big_jeff_leo: US Mobile Military Police
big_jeff_leo: Thats my Dog Captain
big_jeff_leo: WW2 Army on the move
big_jeff_leo: The Speech
big_jeff_leo: Unified Cottage
big_jeff_leo: Falklands Warrior
big_jeff_leo: Behind the Mike
big_jeff_leo: Sharp Dressers
big_jeff_leo: The band marches on
big_jeff_leo: Green is the fashon
big_jeff_leo: A jolly look
big_jeff_leo: Lone Rider
big_jeff_leo: Checking the controls
big_jeff_leo: Picknik Girls
big_jeff_leo: German Medical Unit
big_jeff_leo: Old style caravaning
big_jeff_leo: Staff Sgt & His Wife
big_jeff_leo: WW2 Polish Forces still active