big_jeff_leo: The old timbers of Rufford Hall
big_jeff_leo: Armoured Protection
big_jeff_leo: Rufford Old Hall Coat of Arms
big_jeff_leo: Rufford Hall Fire Screen
big_jeff_leo: The Old Hall at Rufford Lancashire
big_jeff_leo: Rufford Hall Lancashire
big_jeff_leo: Rufford Hall Downspout
big_jeff_leo: Daylight on the Piano
big_jeff_leo: Stone Tub
big_jeff_leo: Inside Rufford Hall
big_jeff_leo: Rufford Hall rear elevation
big_jeff_leo: Hilary on the Big National Trust deck chair
big_jeff_leo: Rufford Hall Formal Gardens
big_jeff_leo: Rufford Hall Staircase
big_jeff_leo: Rufford Hall Watch Tower
big_jeff_leo: Rufford Old Hall in Bloom
big_jeff_leo: Half Armoured
big_jeff_leo: Tudor Hall
big_jeff_leo: Family Portrait