big_jeff_leo: Vimy Memorial
big_jeff_leo: Vimy Memorial Pylons
big_jeff_leo: The Chorus - Vimy Memorial
big_jeff_leo: "The Defenders"
big_jeff_leo: The Spirit of Sacrifice
big_jeff_leo: "Sympathy for the Canadians"
big_jeff_leo: "Mother Canada" overlooks the Lens-Douai plain.
big_jeff_leo: Mother Canada
big_jeff_leo: Vimy Memorial
big_jeff_leo: Vimy Memorial
big_jeff_leo: The Plaque
big_jeff_leo: Trenches
big_jeff_leo: Trenches in the Memorial Park
big_jeff_leo: Craters (Canadian Sector)
big_jeff_leo: "Over the Top"
big_jeff_leo: Bombard
big_jeff_leo: Vimy Ridge Trench System
big_jeff_leo: Vimy Ridge Scared Landscape
big_jeff_leo: Sarcophagus