Shûshan: Sachi - Dal Melize
Shûshan: Sachi - Dal Melize
Shûshan: DSCN6238
Shûshan: DSCN6239
Shûshan: DSCN6240
Shûshan: Melize+Wati
Shûshan: Sachi en versión hardcore
Shûshan: Cuidado conmigo, soy peligrosa!
Shûshan: Sachi en el bosque
Shûshan: Sachico de visita en la ciudad
Shûshan: I did it... and now I have the forbidden apple...
Shûshan: I will open it!! I need to open the box!
Shûshan: Sachiko's new friends
Shûshan: Ok Sachiko, then, I will take care of you forever and you will receive the biggest power a witch has ever had
Shûshan: I accept your proposal, I give you my soul
Shûshan: Go my friend, convoque His Infernal Majesty, I want to talk to him
Shûshan: Ohh, nooooo, I love you so much, how can you be so cruel!
Shûshan: I'm sorry Sachi, we cannot be together... it's not you, it is me...
Shûshan: A day out, at the Doll Festa 2010 in Sabadel (BCN_Spain)
Shûshan: Sachi at the library
Shûshan: Now reading, Edgar Allan Poe
Shûshan: The whole family
Shûshan: Reunión kekil
Shûshan: Sachiko