Shûshan: Sweet darkness
Shûshan: I am still angry... don't look at me
Shûshan: Aren't you gonna talk to me anymore?
Shûshan: You're silly.... but I like you
Shûshan: Angelical demons...
Shûshan: DSCN7327
Shûshan: Looks like an angel but....
Shûshan: The lance of destiny is upon you
Shûshan: Chating about how to destroy the world...
Shûshan: I'm sooo sexy.... muaks
Shûshan: Special outfit by Mízar (Spain)
Shûshan: close up
Shûshan: Close up
Shûshan: Portrait
Shûshan: Alia (Pullip Ala)
Shûshan: Family pic
Shûshan: Alia (Pullip Ala)
Shûshan: Alia (Pullip Ala)
Shûshan: Lilybeth, Djinn and Alia
Shûshan: Sachi, Alia, Lily and Djinn