CHAM BT: Après-midi d'autome - Autumn afternoon
CHAM BT: Moi et mon ombre - Me and my shadow
CHAM BT: Reflets persos ... Reflexion on yourself...
CHAM BT: Jeune bouquetin - young mountain goat
CHAM BT: Pingouin des Alpes - Alpine Pinguin
CHAM BT: Ombres et cornes - shadow and horns
CHAM BT: Bouquetins - Ibex
CHAM BT: Maman attends... Wait Mum....
CHAM BT: Montagne & Gypaète - Mountains & Vulture
CHAM BT: Bouquetin Steinbock Mountaingoat
CHAM BT: Profile de bouquetin - Ibex profile
CHAM BT: Marmotte et fleurs - Marmot and flowers
CHAM BT: Dans la forêt - In the woods
CHAM BT: Quoi? - You are looking at me??
CHAM BT: Goupil se gratte - Fox
CHAM BT: Silence en altitude - Peace in the Alps
CHAM BT: Chevreuils, biches... Deers...
CHAM BT: Marmotte - Marmot - Murmeltier
CHAM BT: Papillon - Butterfly
CHAM BT: Le Roi - The King
CHAM BT: Ecureuil - Squirrel
CHAM BT: Bouquetin Ibex Steinbock - Alpes
CHAM BT: Lagopède alpin - Ptarmigan
CHAM BT: Pinçon fier - Proud Finch