Tohar Tal: Rose-coloured Starling
Tohar Tal: Rose-coloured Starling
Tohar Tal: Darevskia Rudis
Tohar Tal: The dark strip is the official border between Georgia and Turkey in the Lesser Caucasus.
Tohar Tal: Eastern Black-eared Wheatear
Tohar Tal: Tree Sparrow
Tohar Tal: Dalmation Pelican
Tohar Tal: The ''famous'' Pelican island on the border of Georgia and Turkey. On this island which is located on the Turkish side of the lake many Dalmation and a couple Great White Pelicans breed.
Tohar Tal: Golden Jackal
Tohar Tal: White Stork
Tohar Tal: Armenian Gull
Tohar Tal: Caucasian Grouse, the little black dot on the rocks
Tohar Tal: Caucasian Mountain Chiffchaff
Tohar Tal: Caucasian Mountain Chiffchaff
Tohar Tal: Common Terns, Little Tern and a bunch of Collared Pratincole's
Tohar Tal: Oystercatcher
Tohar Tal: Middle Spotted Woodpecker
Tohar Tal: Syrian Woodpecker
Tohar Tal: 0Q2A2449
Tohar Tal: Little Owl
Tohar Tal: Calandra Lark
Tohar Tal: Red Fox
Tohar Tal: Woodchat Shrike
Tohar Tal: Rufous-tailed Scrub Warbler
Tohar Tal: 0Q2A2504
Tohar Tal: 0Q2A2515
Tohar Tal: Eastern Imperial Eagle
Tohar Tal: Rosy Starling
Tohar Tal: Egyptian Vulture adult
Tohar Tal: Egyptian Vulture, adult