lily_whitebear: Nowadays girls arrive in all sorts of ways...
lily_whitebear: Adventurous Ethel
lily_whitebear: "As everyone has been so nice, I think I'll stay..."
lily_whitebear: "and make myself at home."
lily_whitebear: By the Sea
lily_whitebear: Ethel in the Garden
lily_whitebear: Ethel in the Garden
lily_whitebear: Finding fading photographs
lily_whitebear: Ethel and Kat are exploring in the attic
lily_whitebear: Too wet and snowy to play outside today
lily_whitebear: Ethel's counting raindrops, but Kat is heading back to bed
lily_whitebear: Happy Easter!
lily_whitebear: Ethel's sister?
lily_whitebear: Ever been stuck indoors on a sunny day?
lily_whitebear: ...when it feels like everyone else is outside having fun?
lily_whitebear: Sunday Girls: October - Izzie. Getting Ready for Halloween!
lily_whitebear: "I need to look cute so I'll get lots of candy..."
lily_whitebear: Ready for Halloween!