CooperSky: Paul, Sindy's friend 1965
CooperSky: 'London Look' 1965 Paul Fashion
CooperSky: London Look 1965 Paul Fashion
CooperSky: 1967 Paul with rooted hair
CooperSky: 1967 Paul with hand painted eyes
CooperSky: 'Raincoat' 1966 Paul Fashion
CooperSky: 'Time Off' 1965 Paul Fashion
CooperSky: 'Seaside' 1965 Paul Fashion
CooperSky: Oh boy, what a day!
CooperSky: 1 out of 2. At the McBartney's house
CooperSky: 2 out of 2. At the McBartney's house
CooperSky: 'Motorway Man' 1965 Paul Fashion
CooperSky: 1967 'Cardigan' Paul Fashion
CooperSky: Paul 1987 Sindy's friend
CooperSky: 'Jump into Action' 1987 Paul Fashion
CooperSky: 'Lifeguard' Paul 1993 Hasbro
CooperSky: 'Lifeguard' Paul 1993 Hasbro
CooperSky: Cool Shades Paul 1991 and/or Beach Dazzle Paul 1992
CooperSky: (Part 2/2) Pete and Ted and Paul
CooperSky: 'Trendy Designer' 1992 Hasbro Paul Fashion Collection
CooperSky: Mark 1986 Sindy´s friend
CooperSky: Mark, Sindys friend 1986
CooperSky: 'His 'n' Hers' Mark and Sindy Fashion 1986
CooperSky: Care for a drink my lady?
CooperSky: Supercool Paul
CooperSky: Hasbro Paul sports jacket
CooperSky: Hasbro Holiday Paul and Sindy 1992
CooperSky: Paul popstar, Sindy´s friend 1992
CooperSky: Hasbro Bow-tie Paul 1991 Sindy's friend
CooperSky: 1986 Jazz Dance Mark