hbailey720: he loves dog kisses
hbailey720: mason try out a tempurpedic
hbailey720: daddy and mason reading
hbailey720: wrestling
hbailey720: powder 3
hbailey720: dad i want to go in the dark woods
hbailey720: mason and daddy
hbailey720: everybody loves the sheltie
hbailey720: powder 2
hbailey720: stirring the tea with his fork
hbailey720: powder baby
hbailey720: he isn't singing to her
hbailey720: here dog shake my hand
hbailey720: reading about dinosaurs
hbailey720: then he tried to lick the bowl
hbailey720: posing mid-wrestle
hbailey720: that...well thats daddy
hbailey720: 100_2256
hbailey720: and again
hbailey720: my first picture!!
hbailey720: mason and his grammy
hbailey720: holding mason before i got to
hbailey720: fannie in her baby pool
hbailey720: once again watching tv with daddy
hbailey720: he ate the flowers
hbailey720: mason loving his doodles
hbailey720: stinky poo face
hbailey720: 100_1833
hbailey720: daddy mason wrestling