Gedley Braga: ★ 01 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "La Fornarina"
Gedley Braga: 02 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "Annunciation with two Kneeling Donors"
Gedley Braga: ★ 03 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "Et in Arcadia Ego"
Gedley Braga: ★ 04 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "Narcissus"
Gedley Braga: ★ 05 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "Santa Cecilia e l'angelo"
Gedley Braga: 06 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "The Triumph of Divine Providence and the Fulfilment of her Ends under the Papacy or Urban VIII"
Gedley Braga: 07 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "Laocoön and His Sons" (Gruppo del Laocoonte - between 27 BC and 68 AD)
Gedley Braga: ★ 08 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "Saint Jerome"
Gedley Braga: 09 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "Madonna and Child with St. Anne" ("Dei Palafrenieri")
Gedley Braga: 10 - A.S.S. Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "David with the Head of Goliath"
Gedley Braga: 11 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with the Borghese version of "Leda and the Swan"
Gedley Braga: 12 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "The Deposition", also known as the "Pala Baglione", or "The Entombment"
Gedley Braga: ★ 13 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "Saint John the Baptist"
Gedley Braga: 14 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie in Palazzo Doria Pamphilj
Gedley Braga: 15 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "The Labors of Hercules"
Gedley Braga: 16 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "The Labors of Hercules"
Gedley Braga: 17 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "Madonna di Loreto"
Gedley Braga: 18 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "Deposition from the cross"
Gedley Braga: 19 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "The Incredulity of St. Thomas"
Gedley Braga: 20 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "Saint Jerome"
Gedley Braga: ★ 21 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "The Transfiguration"
Gedley Braga: 22 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "The Madonna of Foligno"
Gedley Braga: 23 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with Baldacchino di San Pietro
Gedley Braga: 24 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "The Triumph of Galatea"
Gedley Braga: ★ 25 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with the ceiling fresco painting of "The Loggia of Cupid and Psiche"
Gedley Braga: 26 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "Saint John the Baptist"
Gedley Braga: ★ 27 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie inside Galleria Spada (Palazzo Spada)
Gedley Braga: 28 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "Portrait of Cardinal Farnese"
Gedley Braga: 29 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "Pope Paul III with his Grandsons Alessandro and Ottavio Farnese"
Gedley Braga: 30 - A.S.S. - Authentic Semiotic Selfie with "San Rocco"