Pierre 22: Naomi, aiming at becoming a pro fashion/photo model...
Pierre 22: Moqueur chat - Gray Catbird
Pierre 22: Amelanchier Canadensis - Canadian Serviceberry
Pierre 22: Moqueur Roux - Brown Thrasher
Pierre 22: Paruline jaune - Yellow warbler
Pierre 22: Écureuil gris - Gray squirrel
Pierre 22: #1 - Merle d'Amérique, atteint de leucisme - - - American Robin bearer of a leucic plumage
Pierre 22: #2 - Merle d'Amérique, atteint de leucisme - - - American Robin bearer of a leucic plumage
Pierre 22: Pic chevelu - Hairy woodpecker
Pierre 22: Common Grackle - Quiscale commun
Pierre 22: Moucherolle - Flycatcher
Pierre 22: Troglodyte domestique - House wren
Pierre 22: Chardonneret - American goldfinch
Pierre 22: Pic mineur - Downy woodpecker - ♂
Pierre 22: Cardinal - ♂
Pierre 22: Bécasseau solitaire - Solitary sandpiper
Pierre 22: Balbuzard pêcheur - Osprey
Pierre 22: Paruline à croupion jaune - Yellow-rumped warbler
Pierre 22: Pic flamboyant - Northern flicker
Pierre 22: Chardonneret - American goldfinch
Pierre 22: Hirondelle bicolore - Tree swallow
Pierre 22: Harle commun - Common merganser
Pierre 22: Moqueur chat - Gray catbird
Pierre 22: Bruant à gorge blanche - White-throated sparrow
Pierre 22: Paruline à croupion jaune - Yellow-rumped warbler
Pierre 22: A backcountry road stretching out into a peaceful redwood forest…
Pierre 22: Oriole de Baltimore - Baltimore Oriole
Pierre 22: Chardonneret - American Goldfinch
Pierre 22: Carouge à épaulette - Red-winged Blackbird
Pierre 22: Pygargue à tête blanche - Bald Eagle