Pierre 22: Rose-Marie
Pierre 22: Bambi at the old house
Pierre 22: A stop at the Lotus...
Pierre 22: Aline
Pierre 22: Biche de Virginie photographiée au CINLB et montage
Pierre 22: Photoshop exercise
Pierre 22: Ps Manip
Pierre 22: Aline in a crystal ball
Pierre 22: #2 - Aline (Crystal Ball)
Pierre 22: Rose-Marie
Pierre 22: Léa
Pierre 22: Miss Bubble
Pierre 22: Comp. 20-001 - Résultats d'une pratique de détourage avec Ps CC 2020
Pierre 22: Kayak Surfing
Pierre 22: Elgatt
Pierre 22: A Photoshop 2021 Smile
Pierre 22: Comp. - 20-002b - Results - Composite Study with Marketing Logo
Pierre 22: Comp. - 20-002a - Results - Composite Study
Pierre 22: Miss Levitation
Pierre 22: Comp. 20-003 - Motocrossing at a freight container depot...
Pierre 22: Tanny, pandemically fed up...
Pierre 22: Erika in levitation...
Pierre 22: Patterns
Pierre 22: 3- Exercice - Remplacement de ciel - Photoshop 2021
Pierre 22: 2- Exercice - Remplacement de ciel - Luminar 4
Pierre 22: 1- Exercice - Remplacement de ciel - Luminar 4
Pierre 22: Toile de Fond créée avec Répétition d’une Transformation dans Photoshop
Pierre 22: '' Reflection et Transparence '', ces incontournables, peu importe où... - - '' Reflexion and Transparency '' these essentials, no matter where...
Pierre 22: Fiddlin’ around with Text in Ps…
Pierre 22: ぼけ - Boke/Bokashi - (Ps)