cj13822: Red Fox
Calle Söderberg: Hi! What's Up? Pt. 2 - _TNY_6955
JPSchulman: Little Blue Heron
AchimOWL: Kleine Binsenjungfer (Lestes virens) gut versteckt im Gras
robin elliott photography: Kingfisher hovering
Norm B.: Waldohreule Portrait
Norm B.: Waldohreule die2
Alejandro Mark II: 2019-10-08_09-50-36
Norm B.: Fichtenkreuzschnabel beim trinken
lfalterbauer: 2I1A3346b
andreas.muellauer: California
h.kruse: Tölpelpaar, Couple of Gannets
michael heyns: Samanga Monkey
Naturissima: Guêpier d'Europe (Merops apiaster) - European Bee-eater
Norm B.: Rotmilan mit Nummernschilder ;-)
roy rimmer: Female Kingfisher perched for a good five minutes after she inspected the new nest site. I have only seen the male excavating the second burrow, whereas they both worked on the first one.
Felix Wesch: Im dichten Nebel
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Morcego-de-ferradura-grande, Greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolopus ferrumequinum)
Alexandre Légaré: Pic chevelu // Hairy Woodpecker
Traumflieger_Foto: libelle_detail
D~P~B: In the spotlight
rdelonga: _M4_4894.jpg
Alexandre Légaré: Étourneau sansonnet // European Starling
steckmatthias: Maikäferportrait
Traumflieger_Foto: prachtlibelle_10
MichelGuérin: Bruant chanteur - Song Sparrow
Stickyemu: Two's company
Hubert Demming: Eichhörnchen