LUISXIX: Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo
LUISXIX: White-winged Fairy-wren
LUISXIX: Splendid Fairy-wrens
LUISXIX: Caught Eating
LUISXIX: Male Splendid Fairy-wren
LUISXIX: The Cunnamulla Fella
LUISXIX: Male Splendid Fairy-wren
LUISXIX: Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo
LUISXIX: Caught Eating Again
LUISXIX: White-winged Female Fairy-wrens
LUISXIX: White-winged Fairy-wren (Male)
LUISXIX: Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo
LUISXIX: Lamb Puzzle
LUISXIX: Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo
LUISXIX: Caught Eating Again
LUISXIX: Crowd of White-breasted Woodswallows
LUISXIX: Were you eating that melon?