Rich_F_: a line
Rich_F_: a long line
Rich_F_: airport
Rich_F_: all
Rich_F_: along (2)
Rich_F_: along
Rich_F_: and waterfall
Rich_F_: another church
Rich_F_: around
Rich_F_: arrive
Rich_F_: back on plane
Rich_F_: baked
Rich_F_: balconies
Rich_F_: big 2
Rich_F_: big and small
Rich_F_: big church
Rich_F_: big place
Rich_F_: big
Rich_F_: boat
Rich_F_: break
Rich_F_: bridge
Rich_F_: building 2
Rich_F_: building
Rich_F_: chap
Rich_F_: cheeky duncan
Rich_F_: church 2
Rich_F_: church
Rich_F_: climb 2
Rich_F_: climb