ted_welter: ted_d
ted_welter: steef_and_xavier
ted_welter: banana_split
ted_welter: self portrait
ted_welter: ted_d_front
ted_welter: stand of trees
ted_welter: st_croix_vista
ted_welter: steef_mobile
ted_welter: sculpture_park1
ted_welter: red barn
ted_welter: more_rocks on 8
ted_welter: rocks on 8
ted_welter: it all matters
ted_welter: horses_ass
ted_welter: fuzzyworms
ted_welter: the only way to camp
ted_welter: pushing a flat
ted_welter: entering minnesota
ted_welter: nice farm
ted_welter: more sculptures
ted_welter: giant turtle
ted_welter: giant lizard
ted_welter: geometric_sculpture
ted_welter: scary sculpture
ted_welter: rube_goldberg_sculpture
ted_welter: crazy ship
ted_welter: bigfish
ted_welter: hotrod
ted_welter: the group