trainferrystuff: 82216 and 158738 in Edinburgh
trainferrystuff: 156499 and 67007 at Fort William
trainferrystuff: 82211 and a Class 390 at Glasgow Central
trainferrystuff: 43302 and 390130 at Carlisle
trainferrystuff: A Class 390 and 43274 at Carlisle
trainferrystuff: 43238 and 350402 at Carlisle
trainferrystuff: 170414 and 82203 at Edinburgh
trainferrystuff: 221123 and 334023 at Edinburgh
trainferrystuff: Cross Countries 221125 and Virgins 221101 at Glasgow Central
trainferrystuff: 57302 dragging 390112. This is working 1Z13 1330 Glasgow Central - Carlisle
trainferrystuff: 221115 and 156446 at Carlisle
trainferrystuff: 221116 and 220020 at Glasgow Central. They two types of Voyager side by side
trainferrystuff: 390042 and 156507 at Glasgow Central
trainferrystuff: 142095 and 185105 at Newcastle
trainferrystuff: 350406 and 158715 off Haymarket
trainferrystuff: Units at Glasgow Central
trainferrystuff: 67015 and 60021 off Carlisle
trainferrystuff: 67015 and 91121 at Carlisle working 1E07 0823 Edinburgh - London Kings across
trainferrystuff: Class 390 and Class 66 at Carlisle
trainferrystuff: 185105 and 142020 at Newcastle
trainferrystuff: East Midlands HSTs and Virgin HST at Newcastle
trainferrystuff: Class 156 and Class 221
trainferrystuff: Class 380 and Class 390
trainferrystuff: 350409 and 221129 at Glasgow Central
trainferrystuff: 220013 and 320415 at Motherwell
trainferrystuff: 37604 and 334036 at Helensburgh Central
trainferrystuff: 334030 and 37601 at Helensburgh Central
trainferrystuff: Strengthened Services at Glasgow Central
trainferrystuff: 314203 and 350410 at Glasgow Central
trainferrystuff: 170404 and 82203 at Edinburgh